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Join Our Pack!

We love Scouting and gladly welcome new members to Pack 271. What's involved?


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Parent Involvement

Cub Scouts is about both the chilrden and the parents. Your den leaders will help your boys and girls with earning their badges, but they can’t do this without you being involved. Den meetings are not ‘drop and go’! There are also activities that need to be done at home with your Scout.


Expect your Scout to show up and be ready to have fun and be respectful of den leaders and fellow Scouts. Assume that activities are in uniform unless den leader indicates otherwise.

Make the Most of It

We are all busy and our kids do a lot of things. Please make your Scouting activities a priority so your Scout gets the most out of it, including your regular den meetings. Of course, we can’t make everything! We understand.


Den leaders are your point of contact. We supplement that with a Facebook page, this website and text messages 


​Submit BSA Youth Application and Fee

The first step is to complete a BSA Youth Application or complete the application online. The current fee is $33 per calendar year, or the prorated amount of $2.75/month. A subscription to Boys Life magazine is recommended and is an additional $12 per year. The form (if printed out) and payment should be submitted to the Mobile Council of Boy Scouts of America (2587 Government Blvd., Mobile, AL).

​Get Your Uniform and Scout Book

Get your uniform and patches (you can find more information here). Get the Scout Book appropriate to your den.

Work on Your Bobcat Badge and Have Fun!

Start having fun! One thing you can start with is the Bobcat award requirements.  You can find them in any of the Cub Scout books and they are the basics that all Cubs should know.


Boy Scouts of America

As a member of Boy Scouts of America, all Cub Scouts are required to register with BSA. These funds ($33/year) go to BSA. This amount is typically $44 for new Scouts to pay for the remainder of the current year and the pending year.

Required Book and Uniform

Our Scouts are required to have a uniform shirt, neckerchief, neckerchief slide and numbers/insignia for shirt (about $60 new). Hat and belt are encouraged. All other items are optional (pants, socks, etc.) The book for his/her den level is required ($13-$18 new). These may be available used at local bargain shops.

​Pack Dues or Fund Raising

We currently do not require dues. Instead, we require that each Scout sell at least $60 worth of popcorn through take orders and online sales. For those that would rather not, we do offer a once a year dues option of $60.

Pack Class B Shirts/Sweatshirts

Typically we have offered these shirts and sweatshirts as an optional purchase.

Activity Fees

Several activities have an activity fee. Some of these activities are offered by our local Council and the fees are determined by the Council. Some activities are offered by our pack or dens.

Get More Information!

If you are interested in learning more about Cub Scouts and Pack 271, please contact us.

Thank you for donating to our local pack.  You are helping to build the next great adventure camp, and giving young people the chance to have fun, gain confidence and become leaders who exemplify the Scout's Oath and live by the Scout's Law.

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